I blew up the microwave!

One moment after I pressed the timer, it was humming away. Then suddenly, I heard a loud explosion.

I Blew Up The Microwave Lb

The door flew open, and the plate I placed on top of the bowl flew out and shattered on the floor, followed by the clear bowl filled with eggs and water.

The sight and sound was startling, to say the least.

My husband and I jumped up to see what happened and saw the eggs and broken glass on the floor and the baseboards.

We were both making poached eggs. He was cooking on the stove, and I prepared mine in the microwave. As a challenge, I told him I could make mine fluffier in the microwave.

“What happened?” he asked.

“The video showed putting the egg in a bowl, covering it with a saucer, and microwaving it for two minutes for a fluffy poached egg,” I told him.

“Well, after two minutes, the eggs still looked raw, so I added a couple more minutes, put the plate back in the bowl, and started the microwave,” I told him.

Warning! Do not put a plate over a bowl of water in the microwave. The plate on top of the bowl creates pressure caused by steam when you poach the egg in an airtight poacher.

And when the pressure has reached its limit…Boom!

“Well, it looks like my poached eggs turned out better, and I don’t have a mess to clean up!”

I have never had a lot of respect for microwaves. All the kitchens I’ve had in my life, and I’ve had many, were too small for a square box that just heated things. I much prefer my stove.

As we gathered with our children, grandchildren, and friends for Thanksgiving and Christmas, my husband told the story repeatedly.

Finally, as the holidays were coming to a close, my grandson announced that this would be a new way to mark future historical points in our family.

At the Christmas dinner table, he said, “You remember that was a year before Nana blew the microwave up? Or “Oh, wow! That happened about five years after Nana blew the microwave up!”

Everyone laughed and agreed that maybe I didn’t need a microwave.

On a serious note, this wasn’t a life-changing event but one our family will remember with a smile.

But sometimes, something happens to us that alters our everyday life a bit.

I still remember when I learned to whistle between my fingers, and my four brothers could not. Suddenly, I was no longer the little sister who always followed them around. I was now the little sister that they would say, “Hey, sis, whistle loud so they can hear us.”

We all have markers in our lives. Maybe it is the day we met the person we would spend the rest of our lives with, the job that finally recognized our potential, or the day we realized we could change our lives from worse to better.

The day I could do something my brothers couldn’t do was a day I realized I was stronger than I had ever imagined. Actually, there have been many markers in my life. Just when I think I can’t, God shows me I can.

However, my grandson made the microwave explosion another historical event in our family. He even found a sign on the internet to commemorate the day his Nana blew up the microwave.

However, my grandson made the microwave explosion another historical event in our family. He even found a sign posted in 1968 on the internet to commemorate the day his Nana blew up the microwave.

On this exact spot in the afternoon of April 27, 1968,
a marital argument was won by the husband.

The post I blew up the microwave! appeared first on Morning Coffee Beans.

from Morning Coffee Beans https://ift.tt/V1DEmYF


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