Pruning our lives

It’s difficult for me to cut down a pretty plant, even if it is suspicious. But I learned a lesson when I planted one particular tree a few years ago.

Pruning Our Lives Nb

I thought it would grow tall next to a wooded area inour yard. Instead, one day a vine draped itself over the branches of my tree. It was pretty, so I thought I would let it grow.

I didn’t pay much attention to the tree and its new friend because it was at the corner of the lot, and I wasn’t around it that much.

So the summer went, people came and went, I came and went, and then I suddenly realized I couldn’t see the beautiful tree I had planted.

As I walked in its direction, I realized that the once pretty vine had become an invasive monster, consuming my tree. There was no longer any recognizable trace of it.

I began to pull and cut the vine away, but it was robust and belligerent. It felt like a tug of war, as though the vine was determined to keep the tree. So I kept cutting and pulling until it was all gone.

Underneath was my tree, but much weaker than when I planted it. I touched the branches, rubbed the leaves gently between my fingers, and talked soothingly to it. The next day I came out, and the tree looked a little stronger.

Occasionally, something that is intriguing and beautiful walks into our lives. It could be a relationship or a new habit. They make us feel better, happy, and even joyful.

The gentleness of their entrance into our hearts keeps us from realizing that they or it is growing stronger every day. Then one day, we try to move them out of the way to see the sun the other plants and feel the joy of our strength.

However, we find that they have become stronger than our will. We don’t know what to do. So, for a while, we try to rise above it, push against it, even ask for help.

When someone does come to help, we can’t hear or see them for the vines and leaves that have taken over our lives.

We wish we had paid more attention or checked it out before letting it in.

One of the first scriptures I learned as a teenager was, “Above all, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)

The way we can do that is to establish boundaries, take responsibility for our emotions, and let others take responsibility for theirs.

Sometimes when we are healing physically or emotionally, we need to set boundaries and be patient with ourselves.

Spring is a time of renewal. It’s the best time to prune shrubs and trees to make it easier for the plant to recover. It is vital for growth.

Pruning can be like spring cleaning or renewing ourselves. But, first, we have to let go of some things, so we have room for the new.

If we let Him, God will help us prune away the things in our life that may be keeping us from blooming or being the best we can be.

The post Pruning our lives appeared first on Morning Coffee Beans.

from Morning Coffee Beans


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