Sharing the Season

One year, while we were living in south Texas, I received a box in the mail from my son. The package was about 12X12X12 inches but felt very light. I couldn’t imagine what was in it.

The post office had marked it fragile, so I was careful as I removed the tape and slid the lid off. When I moved the box, it sounded like something rustling inside. The gift was wrapped with soft white tissue paper with a tiny piece of tape to hold it together.

Sharing The Season Nb

I carefully eased the tape away from the paper and opened it. In front of me were many different kinds of fall leaves of every shape, color, and size.

He had sent the package through priority mail, so the leaves would still have color. Not only were they bright and beautiful, but I could also smell their earthy sweetness of aging.

A note read, “Mom, I’m sending a little Fall to you. Enjoy.”

The sight and smell were just as gratifying as if I had tasted something I had been craving. And yes, it brought tears to my eyes that my son understood my need for a taste of the season.

My son now lives in south Georgia. One day I was telling my granddaughters about their dad sending me Fall leaves each year.

They said, “ Nana, we don’t get a lot of colorful fall leaves here like you do in Virginia. Will you send us some of yours.”

So now it is my turn to send them a box of Fall leaves each year.

I collect leaves from all different deciduous trees, such as oaks, maples, sweetgums; any trees with big or small colorful leaves that fall to the ground.

When I bring them home, I use wax paper to preserve them. First, I lay the leaf on a piece of wax paper and then lay a piece of wax paper on top. Then I press with a hot iron. When it cools, I peel off the wax paper that has coated the beautiful leaves.

There are other ways you can preserve fall leaves. You can also use beeswax, glycerin, mod podge, or a laminator to preserve fall leaves or green leaves. You can even dry them in the microwave and then spray them with sealant. There are lots of tutorials on the internet.

I thought my son and I were the only ones that spent time waxing and sending fall leaves to each other but come to find out, some companies will process your fall leaves for you, and some companies will pay to receive fall leaves! Who knew!

When our granddaughters receive their Fall leaf box, they will find little gifts tucked in with their leaves.

Our oldest granddaughter, Jayne, takes her leaves outside and scatters hers around their pine trees; our youngest, Grace, carefully places her around her room and on the door so she can feel our closeness.

The incredible thing about autumn/fall is the turning of the leaves. The shorter days are a sign to trees to begin to prepare for winter.

Chlorophyll is the chemical that makes tree leaves green. During winter, there is not enough light for photosynthesis to occur. So, as the days shorten, the trees begin to close down their food production systems and reduce the amount of chlorophyll in their leaves.

The chemicals responsible for the vibrant ambers, reds, and yellows of autumn/fall are flavonoids, carotenoids, and anthocyanins.

And what is interesting is that some of these chemicals are the same ones that give carrots (beta-carotene) and egg yolks (lutein) their colors?

Everyone has their favorite seasons. Some of us are significantly affected by the change from one season to another.

My grandson said his favorite time is when one season is transitioning to another. “It’s when you begin to pay closer attention to the weather and what’s going around you,” he says.

Life is very much like seasons. First, there was a time when we were running through the leaves and scattering them everywhere as we laughingly fell into the heap of them. Then we became responsible and carefully raked them up to keep our yards tidy.

Next, we’ve had to be careful not to slip on the wet leaves lest we fall, and then there is a time when examining the beauty of each leaf and sharing them with others is what brings us true joy.

The post Sharing the Season appeared first on Morning Coffee Beans.

from Morning Coffee Beans


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