
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Chiropractor

via American Short Fiction

Issue 76

via American Short Fiction

Toothache by Kimmen Sjölander

A Jewish WWII veteran in Connecticut suffers from a toothache that prompts him to wonder how alienated he has become from the people closest to him; by Kimmen Sjölander. Image generated with OpenAI The pain wasn't that bad. He'd dealt with worse in his eighty years, and in tougher quarters than his apartment in Connecticut. He could handle a stupid toothache. But it bugged him. Was it really asking too much to get a tooth out? Goldstein was pushing antibiotics. "Toothaches can be dangerous, Mr. Rapaport," he'd said a week earlier, when Max went to see him. Toothaches, dangerous? Danger was being shot out of the sky and landing in a field to find a Hitler Youth pointing a rifle at your face. What did Goldstein know about danger? He'd probably never stepped foot outside Connecticut. What a putz ! Max heard his voice in the empty apartment and laughed. He liked living alone. He could smoke and drink from morning to night, watch TV at any hour, and n

Resting Place by M.L. Rubin

Librarian Joan agrees to hold on to an unwanted package for her sister, triggering an unexpected series of events in her life; by M.L. Rubin. Image generated with OpenAI "I mean, of course I feel sorry for the poor old thing, but why does she have to be our problem?" Stacey stared fiercely at Joan as if expecting an answer, although Joan told herself that the question was surely a rhetorical one. She murmured something noncommittal and poured her sister more tea by way of diversion. Stacey, who was not in the habit of showing up unexpectedly, had arrived distraught with her three children and a large cardboard box. After settling the oldest two in her living room to watch cartoons, Joan had made tea. She always found that tea was helpful in a crisis, the soothing ritual of adding milk or lemon, the hypnotic circling of spoon in cup. Joan gestured towards the box, which sat awkwardly on the table between them, crowding the tea things. "Did this just arrive?

Announcing New Winter Short Story Workshop

via American Short Fiction

The 2022 Halifax Ranch Fiction Prize Winners

via American Short Fiction

Out Of This World by Alexandra Grabbe

A cosmopolitan actress, who travelled to LA to chase a dream, reflects on her life and the life of the people she left behind; by Alexandra Grabbe. Image generated with OpenAI I never meant to abandon my children. How could anyone think me capable of such deceit? It should go without saying that I wanted to raise Daria and Nadine myself. Desertion? Who deserts children on purpose? Such an attentive mother I tried to be, during their infancy anyway. It pains me to realize the level of misunderstanding my departure provoked. Oh, the finger pointing, the acrimonious comments! I can still hear the vicious voices in Paris all those years ago. What kind of woman would behave like that? How self-centered. How cruel . The truth is I intended to return. Give it a good year was my plan. I had everything figured out, month by month. But the trip to California turned out to be such a challenge... The idea of being in pictures hit when I was little, way before leaving Russia. I rememb

One on Each Shoulder by James Rumpel

Lanny Powers is delighted to receive two Personal Assistant Bots in the mail, but how will they improve his life? By James Rumpel. Image generated with OpenAI Lanny Powers had just given up on trying to reach level twenty-four of Dungeon Journey and was preparing to head to work when the indicator light above the door of his apartment began to flash. A delivery drone was dropping a package into the intake port. Lanny furrowed his brow. He wasn't expecting anything. The two pieces of toast and bowl of cereal he ordered for breakfast had been delivered over twenty minutes ago and he didn't recall ordering anything else. The light turned green. The delivery was complete. Lanny glanced at the time. He could wait a few more minutes before leaving for work as long as he didn't stop for his usual six-pack of energy drinks. Inside the port, he found a package, about the size of a shoebox. It was wrapped in plain brown paper. His name and address were prominently d