
Showing posts from December, 2021

ASF’s Favorite Reads of 2021

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What the Tide Returns

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The 2021 Halifax Ranch Fiction Prize Winners

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via American Short Fiction

Who Knows? by Tony Billinghurst

Eric Miller, struggling financially, becomes curious about a missing person case and gets embroiled in a layered mystery; by Tony Billinghurst. The company's chairman rose from his desk and straightened up with difficulty. Without thinking, Eric Miller looked surprised. The chairman noticed. "The inner you is ageless, Mr Miller, age cannot weary it, but the outer you falls apart at an alarming rate. Take my advice, don't get old, it's not to be recommended." He smiled and handed Eric a cheque. "Thank you; I hope we don't meet again - at least not here." "You're welcome. Is there a London & Counties Bank near here?" "Right on the High Street, on the corner." Eric left the Art Deco office block and hurried down the High Street. As a Security Consultant, he'd had years of low-key relationships with clients. When companies had internal security problems, he was their knight in white armour; when he found the cul

Door to Door by Mitchell Waldman

Two boys spend a hot Saturday trying to make a few bucks from door-to-door sales; by Mitchell Waldman. The orange and white Volkswagen van was setting in the parking lot behind the bank waiting for them that Saturday morning. Seven a.m., their parents still sleeping soundly in their bed, and a little early for 14-year-olds on their summer breaks, but there was money to be made. Hunt and Lawson were sitting up front smoking. Hunt was behind the wheel, waving Martin and his stepbrother Rich in. "Come on, guys, time's a wastin'!" he said in a gruff voice, his greasy long hair falling in his face. He breathed in his smoke real deep, held it, and let it out in a forceful stream. Meanwhile, Lawson, his crewcut, gum chewing partner, was rubbing his temples and shutting his eyes, complaining, "Not so loud, Red, Jesus." To which Hunt just laughed, "You never could handle your wine, Lawless." The boys hopped in through the open door and sat next to two ne

A Letter from the Editors: 30 Years of Extraordinary Short Stories

via American Short Fiction